Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fajardo-Conroy BJJ: Brothers in Armbars, Comrades in Collar Chokes!

In a quiet residential neighborhood of Secaucus, NJ you'll find the local recreational center, where on this early Saturday morning it's being populated by seniors power walking along the track above the gym, housewives escaping their daily routines with a yoga session and the Fajardo-Conroy BJJ Team. Not far from here is the Whatchamacallit Stadium, not sure of their new name (Met Life??) but it is the home where Jets soar and Giants roar. Like these teams who make the most of co-existing under one roof, FCBJJ manages to blend in just fine with the yoga wives and senior walkers. This task is made so much easier when one believes wholeheartedly in the old adage, "home is where the heart is" and heart, perseverance and dedication to their beloved art are qualities that both Prof. Fajardo and Prof. Conroy embody.
The professors, black belts under world renowned BJJ legend, Master Renzo Gracie, also have backgrounds in the traditional martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kun Do, Kali and wrestling for Prof. Fajardo and various forms of Karate and Filipino Arts for Prof. Conroy. Their individual paths converged at Master Renzo's Academy where they trained with the likes of John Danaher, Matt Serra, Shawn Williams and many others including our very own, Prof. Mike Codella.

Patience is not only a virtue but a skill one must strive to master, especially in Jiu Jitsu. The FCBJJ team practices this skill regularly as they wait for the yoga class to end so that they can set up. In comes the dolly cart with an assortment of folding mats and puzzle mats and the transformation from mirrored dance room to BJJ dojo begins. The lesson in patience continues as the team collaborates on how to situate the mats to cover the room properly. The joking and teasing that ensues is good-natured and more importantly, it's a vital part of developing camaraderie and team spirit.
The gi class begins with a light throw/take down session to warm up. (The Saturday classes alternate week to week gi and no gi.)  Then Prof.Conroy demonstrated two excellent judo throws. [I am a huge fan of Judo throws and sweeps and Prof. Conroy has a sick repertoire of throws in his arsenal..and he just became my new best friend!!] After practicing these throws, there was a throw drill, whereby each student had to perform ten judo throws. If you have never trained break falls before  this drill will convince you to incorporate them into your warm ups asap!
Ground techniques consisted of a omoplata counter when your opponent goes for a single leg:
Prof. Fajardo also demonstrated a wicked arm bar re-counter when you're unable to complete the omoplata. (A video of the armbar re-counter will  definitely be posted on the blog soon- stay tuned!)
Once the technique drills were completed the students started to roll live with each other and then with their instructors. This is an excellent opportunity that provides a priceless experience for the student and an invaluable tool for the instructor to evaluate the student's techniques and assess their progress. One can't help but to be impressed by the good fortune of these team to have not one but two legit black blacks present in every class to provide quality instruction. Two sets of experienced eyes to make on the spot corrections. Two keen minds to help troubleshoot and formulate the student's developing game.

With sparring completed, the team stack the mats back on the cart, wave goodbye to their neighbors in the gym and roll out of the rec center feeling great from the hard training, looking forward to the next class to practice this hallowed rite all over again!

Check out the academy website for more information and schedule: FCBJJ

Many thanks to Prof. Fajardo, Prof. Conroy, Mike, Bryant, and my training partner for the day, Ray.  Osssss!

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